Saturday, October 5, 2019

Talent and music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Talent and music - Essay Example This very definition of talent differentiates it from two terms that are mostly confused with talent (Brinner, 1995). These two terms include skills as well as knowledge. The difference between talent and skill as well as knowledge is that talent comes naturally and skills and knowledge can be developed by an individual. The term music is used to refer to the practice of arranging various tones in such a sequence that when they are vocalized in that sequence they end up creating a constant composition. This meaning of music differentiates music from what people believe music is. This meaning clearly reflects that music has to be in order and an individual singing or playing instruments without any order cannot be regarded as a musician and his creations cannot be regarded as music. Talent and music are two most commonly misunderstood terms by the general public. The public needs to realize that talent is inborn and cannot be obtained through rehearsal or training. The general public should not recognize any sound played through an instrument as music until it has a sequence that results in the creation of incessant

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