Saturday, August 31, 2019

Profitability of Network Marketing Business in Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated at Quezon City Essay

Introduction Business networking is a socioeconomic activity by which groups of like business-minded people recognize, create or act upon business opportunities. A business network is a type of social network whose reason for existing is business activity. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of networking activity that, when followed, allow the business person to build new business relationships and generate business opportunities at the same time.Network Marketing Businesses (MLM) in the Philippines is spreading like a virus. Many Filipinos are so crazy engaging in these kind of business, from Top Multilevel Network Marketing Companies to some unregistered Network Marketing Businesses in the Philippines Especially if they heard about the â€Å"kitaan† or â€Å"compensation plan† and they see the ‘million-income-potential’, they tend to take the lure and register to the Network Marketing company they are invited in. Many business people oppose networking business is more cost-effective method of generating new business than public relations  effort. This is because business networking is a low-cost activity that comprises more personal commitment than company money. Researchers were able to study the importance of investing in the Network Marketing Business. The advantages of this kind of business, especially how high the profits you may get, will surely guides everyone in engaging on the right company for them. There are lots of learning opportunities that a person to be involved in a network marketing business will acquire. One of those opportunities is learning how to sell. Not all individual have the skills to presents their self in front of many people or customers. Once a person gets into a business networking, the skills in selling and persuading as well, and the good interaction to other people are developed. As the researchers tried to know the reason why some people gets involved in a Network Marketing Business like Frontrow Enterprise Phil. Inc.; as a survey, people who engaged at Frontrow Enterprise are getting a high range income. On the other hand, the researchers tried to assess the increase of the demand in getting into a Network Marketing Business; they tend to study how money circulates and how this kind of business improves the lifestyle of people. The purpose of the study is to know the profitability of engaging in the Network Marketing Business; the type of transaction uses in the business; and how the income increases by communicating to other people. Background of the Study Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated is a dynamic and rapidly expanding direct selling company in the health, beauty, and wellness industry in the Philippines today. It is a 100 percent Filipino owned corporation spearheaded by two of the most-promising new-breeds of entrepreneurs, Raymond ‘RS’ Francisco and Samuel ‘Sam’ Verzosa. They are graduates of University of the Philippines and orgmates of UP Samahan ng mga Mag-aaral sa Komunikasyon (UP Samaskon). Raymond ‘RS’ Francisco, a graduate of B.A. Mass Communication and he’s been in the advertising industry since 1997, where he has directed a lot of T.V Commercials such as Pantene, GSM Blue, Chow King, Close-up, McDonald’s, Globe, Smart and other. Together with his partner, Samuel ‘Sam’ Versoza a licensed Civil Engineer and took another  challenging road that is sales and marketing. Here he mastered the art of sales and communication where he emerged as a well-respected and promising entrepreneur. He earned his first million at the age of 22. Through the years, the rapport between the new blood of businessmen, they introduced a new formula for success in the multi-level marketing industry in order to build a more forward-driven company that is FRONTROW. (Frontrow Enterprise Phil., Inc., 2010) Statement of the Problem This research paper sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents? In terms of: I.1 Age I.2 Gender I.3 Economic Status 2. What is the profitability gained by the respondents in engaging at Frontrow Enterprise Phils., Inc.? 3. What is the importance of investing at Network Marketing Business to the Global Reciprocal Colleges? Significance of the Study The significance of the study can be perceived in the following: To Students . The proposed study serves as the reference and guide for students as they enter the business industry. It will also help the students that are taking business related courses to know and identify the best and easiest way of earning money. It could be helpful for students to earn extra income while studying without interfering their studies. This study can help students to decide on which field of business they want to be focus on, this can be included to their options. To Teachers. The proposed study will help teachers to have deeper understanding about Network Marketing Business. As they discuss the information about networking business, students tend to try and explore what the opportunities are there in networking business. To Future Researchers. The proposed study will benefits and help the future researchers as their guide. The study can also open an opportunity for development of this study. This study can also serve as a summary for next researchers for deeper understanding and for extra knowledge or additional information. Scope and Limitations The study focuses on the profitability at Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated located at Quezon City as they give benefits to those who invest on their company .The respondents of the research study are the neophyte business men who engage or engaging to networking business. The study will also include some points in gaining more income rather than setting up your own business. By determining the profitability of Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated this 2012, by using survey questionnaire that will perform. The study does not cover any Network Marketing Company that is not important to the research work. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter presents the review of related literature and local studies. Related Literature Always remember that network marketing is a team business. In order to make money in this field you must be prepared to work closely with your team members. Welcome them to the team, introduce yourself as their upline and offer help if they need it. Some of your team members will respond, others will not, work with the ones who do respond. These are your potentially strong members and are the lifeblood of your business. Try to build relationships with these members by offering help and discussing marketing techniques. Remember the team concept, your downline’s success is your success, you will all profit together. If something has been successful with you share, and encourage your team members to share their successes with their downline. In this way you will spread success to all members and build a strong active team, who are continually adding dedicated people to  the team. Cooperation of everyone can put each member to a profitable businessman. Most of all the students experience this kind of situation, participation of each member to perform a certain job, sharing ideas and helping to get their goals. As one of the researcher experience the difficulties and successfulness in a group. Encountering some member will not agree to the given ideas and conflict of philosophies but as it go through, performing of each member will come out because of the given task that should be done and clear. At the end, the result will benefit each member for their due diligence. In networking business, interaction with other people is indispensable to be profitable and get a long tenure in the field of networking. By helping the member to recruit new member will increase the salary of both sides. This networking business, frontrow enterprise Philippines incorporated, team members need to function for the sake of themselves and earn high profit as everyone looking for. For a start-up or small business, networking can provide a lifeline of support and business generation. Networking can help you improve your business performance, products and staff skills. It can also help you develop knowledge and skills, by providing opportunities to: Participate in benchmarking, which can help you identify areas where you can improve your business performance. You can use networking to boost your reputation and gather new leads. You can: raise your business profile by becoming an established and regular networking member, getting your face and the business known; meet new people and build mutually beneficial business relationships; expand your markets by generating new business contacts with potential customers, suppliers and partners; establish overseas partnerships, eg through international exhibitions and conferences Networks can also be a key source of information and support. You can: compare and discuss issues of common interest, eg legal and regulatory developments, staff retention, supplier networks, customer service and technological breakthroughs develop and share ideas, innovation and knowledge of best practice Simply selling products is the common thoughts of other about networking but actually that is definitely wrong. Networking is communicating to people and building a business relationship. By investing Php. 5,999 for silver member or Php. 10,999 for gold member as the starting  of the business transaction and when the time comes that the person who invest is already a member of network marketing, the networking company provide some products that can be use or sell. The products that the company gave as a starting line were help people to earn extra income, the most important thing here is to get involve yourself to the company and invite other to join. It can be call this process a circular motion. Making business relationship to others is the best way of earning high profit. Every member of the group will contribute and useful for a better result. In frontrow after joining in the group the team group will explain more about the company and how to be a millionaire. Team group will use the new person who is interested to join and make it invest to the company and the new invited person will do the same to earn also and recruit as more as can. The process of payment and earning profit are, In Frontrow the group member/employee will get P500.00 for each person convinced to invest and P1000 for every partner in silver member, for gold member is P1000 for each recruit and P2000 for every partner. The group member/employee can also earn by means of invites of their group member. So that is network marketing why earning money is faster than the other businesses. Network marketing will help us in earning money, especially for students because it helps students to earn money without inconvenience in their studies. And it will also help to build self-confidence and having a good communication to others, the reason why is networking need to be powerful in communication and have a knowledge to deliver the ideas into one another. But first, believing to yourself and having a high confidence is more important. Here in network marketing, making business relationship is very important. Engaging a large group of team members and cross selling is one of the most important aspects in becoming profitable in a Network Marketing Business. Keen business sense is required as well as your tact in speaking to your network of business people. The smoother and more dedicated you are, the more money you will make from your work efforts. As you begin to build your network marketing business first imagine a large network of outlets of people. Belief you will be able to reach a large base of clients who will be thrilled to use your product or service in your network marketing business. Each network and person who knows about your services and product represents  the potential for sales. The more networks and people you influence the more products you will be able to sell. Once you have established a client base cross selling to existing clients becomes a way to maximize profits. Generating repeated sales is easier when your product is usable and consumed like the sale of soaps, vitamins and shoes as opposed to selling a piece of furniture for instance. When you have a team of members on your side helping you to build your network marketing business it becomes easier to motivate these entrepreneurs to make additional sales when you are excited in lieu of going out to try to find a new team member. Your main goal is to build a group of team members that is wide and deep however it is more profitable to build wide in getting fresh new business people on board to try out your product and unique business opportunity. Building a deep network will assure you business security and building deep will equal profitability. To make a network marketing business profitable, people who will engage must have to build teams. Frontrow conducts seminar for the people to know more about networking business and how it improves lifestyle. The company will orient the people who engage to elaborate more of the company’s profile when they are about to deal with future clients. The person who undergoes the discussion about Frontrow, will surely have the power to talk and convince people who will help them to have team and profit. . The main goal of networking marketing business is to build a group of team members that is wide and deep however it is more profitable to build wide in getting fresh new business people on board to try your product and unique opportunity. This is the fundamental thing that so few understand when it comes to the MLM industry. If you want to create a business that lasts, in this industry, you have to be willing to work hard at least in the very beginning. You can build your business as part time as you want in as few as hours as you want but that also means you can take as long as you want. I suggest putting as much time as possible into your business without overly sacrificing your sanity or your family, at least in the beginning. When you get your business to over $10,000 a month residually, you can afford to go  on more trips and vacations. This is the main point of our industry. There is light at the end of the tunnel. With almost all small businesses and almost all jobs, there is no light. You trade dollars for hours, as you rise the rank and compensation ladder, more is expected of you and if you want to slow down, especially in these times, you might get booted out. In this industry, it actually, to the contrary, gets easier. Now, most flake out before they get to the easy part. They either give up out of lack of faith or work ethic or they get to a point where they are making money and take their foot off the gas or lose their focus too soon. Beware of these as they are the killers of the greatly talented. I see it on a DAILY basis where someone of great talent destroys what they were in the process of building to do something else or slack off and think they are at a point where it will automatically grow. There is a 99% chance that you will NOT get to a point of lifetime automatic income prior to 2-3 years of intense focus. Now you know why so few people have what it takes, but, armed with this knowledge, you now do. To sell products is the perception of some people in networking business. Networking business is not actually centered in selling products but they invite people who will help them to build a profitable business. If you engage in a networking business, they will give you their products as part of your investment. In Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated, to sell products is just an option for you. If you invest in their company, you will receive their products and it is up to you if you will sell it or use it for your own needs. They will focus to teach you on how to interact with other people in order for you to convince them and to build your downlines. In making your networking business profitable, you must be able to exert effort in doing that business. Even some people take it as their part time, it needs a hard work for them to earn profit. Interacting with other people is one of the eagerness of the person in doing their business cost-effective. Some person who engaged in FRONTROW is still students and they can support themselves by the money they receive. Company events and recruitment tactics have hyped things like earnings potential, creating the impression that it’s only a matter of time before you will be rolling in Cadillacs and caviar. Most network marketing recruits never achieve that level of success. In fact, the majority of network marketing recruits never even realize a profit. Network marketing  can be profitable – it just takes an organized and structured approach to get there. Towards that end, these network marketing business tips should come in handy: Understand Your Costs; Create Lists; Make Sales Calls; Stay Focused; Leverage Team Resources. There are strategies and techniques in making your business more profitable. Once you invest in Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated, they will able to orient you for you to know the organizational culture and the strategies on how you will expand your business. People who will invest should have hard work in recruiting or inviting others to be their downlines and help them as well in building their business. Related Study The New Economy has arrived- It is a global revolution challenging businesses’ status quo. It has opened up new structures, new strategies, and new markets with the internet as its foundation; traditional ways of doing business has been changing in a faster face. This thesis attempts to propose a model for New Economy business, especially in the telecom industry. It analyzes five telecom companies in Asia, discusses their experiences and current models, applies the to their respective countries microenvironment analysis and fits them into the New Economy description for the Philippine environment. This research examined the characteristics and practices peculiar to home video shop in Baguio city and tried to determine the level of profitability and rate of return on investment that this establishment enjoys it went into a thorough investigation of the prevailing characteristics not only of the shops but of the type of customers they cater to. The problems that beset the operators of these establishment were likewise examined, their causes determined, and recommendations on how to solve them, formulated. The respondents in this study were 88 proprietors of video rental shops that were operating in the city as of November 1993. From their responses, the needed information was gathered and analyzed to check on the veracity of the subjects responses in the questionnaire-checklist, the main data-gathering instrument, informal interviews and participant observation were conducted by the researcher. How profitable when you engage to a networking business like Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated? Earning a high salary, strategies and skills in communication is to lead the networking businessman into a high profit. It is also by helping of each member in a group to make them both profitable. By engaging in Frontrow, people need to work harder to earn high profit and communicate to get more recruits. Conceptual Framework The profitability of network marketing business in Frontrow Enterprise Philippines at Quezon City was shown by the survey questionnaire that was given to the employees and recruits at FRONTROW. It was conducted by the researchers to seek answers on how to gain or earn profit in a networking business. It was conducted to gather information about the profitability of engaging at Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorported. Paradigm of the Study Definition of Terms Business relationship – creating of each member to built an agreement for the progress of the business. Capital – the sum invested in business. Compensation plan â€Å"Kitaan† – process on how they are rate base on their performance. Engaging – giving or getting involve to a business. Income – proceeds from labor Investment – layout of money productively. Inviting – attracting people to join in a business. Neophyte businessman – beginner businessman. Networking business – is a socioeconomic activity by which groups of like-minded businesspeople recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities. Profit – money gain to the work done. Recruit – to furnish new people. Retail Business – business sell in small quantities. Scrutinize – inspect or examine closely the date gathered. Springboard – something that supplies condition for a beginning change or progress. Stress-free-job – working without thinking more obligations. Chapter 3 Research Methodology This chapter discusses the following methods how the researchers gathered information about the present study. Research design  The researcher used Descriptive Method in this research study. This method was applied for the researchers to gather about presenting existing condition of the profitability in engaging at Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Inc. The descriptive method helps the researcher to describe the nature of situation as it exist at the time of the study and to explore the causes of particular phenomena. This method congregates to answer questions concerning the procedure of the recruits in engaging at Frontrow and how high profit will earn. That is why it fits the topic about the profitability of network marketing business at Frontrow Enterprise Philippines, Incorporated. Sample and Sampling Technique The researchers used the Random Sampling by selecting the desired sample of the respondents. The total sample population is 100 respondents out of the total number of the employees and invites at Frontrow Enterprise Philippine Incorporated which is 110.The table A presents the distribution of the respondents. Table A Distribution of Respondents Male Female Total Employee 23 27 50 Recruited People 15 35 50 Total 38 62 100 Data Gathering and Procedure The researchers prepared a survey sheet as a springboard to gather information and data. They made sure that the questions on the survey questionnaire are related to their topic, and made the subject teacher check it before distributing them to the students. The survey was done during weekends and free time of class; two researchers went together to the place of the said company, Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Inc at Quezon City and the other five took the seminar . The researchers distributed 15-item questionnaire which is about the Profitability of Network Marketing Business at Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated to the employees of Frontrow in 50 respondents and to the invites in 50 respondents. When the Employees and invites are answering the survey questionnaire the researchers asked if there were clarifications and need to add about the given survey sheets. The invites said that that it was clear and they all understood it but in the Employees said that the term of payment was weekly and can increase the profit depends on the recruitment of individual. After an hour, the researchers was able to get the result of the questionnaire and scrutinized the data gathered. Having accomplished gathering the data in a day, the researchers computed the frequency count and percentage. After both data are tallied and computed, it was interpreted through a measurement level such as table and graph. Statistical Treatment of Data Statistical tool such as percentage technique was employed by the researchers to determine and to access the data collected from the research. Percentage technique was used to show the result of the evaluation based on the data gathered from the respondents. This was also applied to acquire the total percentage of the number with the same answer. The formula getting the percentage is: Percentage= n x 100 % = percentage N n= no. of answer N = no. of respondents Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data This chapter discusses the data gathered from the survey, as well the description of the respondents and the presentation, analysis and the interpretation of the data. Description of the Respondents This research study contains two kinds of respondents-the employees and the recruited people. Their perception and opinions are of great importance to determine the profitability of Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated. The table shows the number of respondents, 50 employees of Frontrow and 50 recruited people from Frontrow were selected as respondents of this research. Table 1: Distribution of Respondents Respondents Frequency Percentage Employees 50 50% Recruited People 50 50% Total 100 100% Table 1 shows that the respondents of this study are the employees and the recruited people of Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated which has a total of 100 respondents. Table 2: Age of the Respondents Age Employees Recruited People Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage 18 and above 45 45% 39 39% 17 and below 5 5% 11 11% Total 50 50 % 50 50% Table 2 illustrates the distribution of age of the respondents; in employees, 45 or 45% of the respondents has an age ranging from 18 – above and 5 or 5% of the respondents has an age bracket 17 – below. In recruit people 39 or 39% of the respondents has an age ranging from 18 – above and 11 or 11% of the respondents has an age bracket 17 – below. This means that the majority of the respondents has an age bracket of 18 and above in both employees and recruit. Table 3: Gender of the Respondents Gender Employees Recruited People Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Male 23 23% 15 15% Female 27 27% 35 35% Total 50 50% 50 50% Table 3 shows the genders of the respondents, as shown in employees, 23 males or 23% and 27 females or 27% while in recruited people 15 males or 15% and 35 females or 35%. This means that majority of the respondents in both sides are females. Table 4: Economic Status of the Respondents Monthly income Employees Recruited People Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage 10,000 below 13 13% 16 16% 10,000 – 15,000 9 9% 21 21% 16,000 – 25,000 24 24% 11 11% 26,000 up 4 4% 2 2% Total 50 50% 50 50% Table 4 illustrates the economic status of the respondents. Most of the monthly incomes of the respondents’ respected families are consisted of 24 or 24% which has 10,000 below, 9 or 9% which has 10,000 – 15,000, 13 or 13% which has 16,000 – 25,000 and 4 or 4% which has 26,000 up for the employees. For the recruited people, 16 or 16% has 10,000 below, 21 or 21% has 10,000 – 15,000, 11 or 11% has 16,000 – 25,000 and 2 or 2% which has 26,000 up. This means that out of 50 employees of respondents, 24 or 24% has a monthly income of 16,000 – 25,000 who are engaged in Frontrow while in 50 recruit of respondents, 21 or 21% has a monthly income of 10,000 – 15,000 who are willing to engage in Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated. 1. What is the easiest way of earning money? Retailing % Buy and Sell % Networking % Franchising % Employees 9 9% 12 12% 25 25% 4 4% Recruit 8 8% 18 18% 19 19% 5 5% Total 17 17% 30 30% 34 34% 9 9% In question 1, out of 50 employees’ respondents, 9 or 9% of the employees answered retailing, 12 or 12% for buy and sell, 25 or 25% for networking and 4 or 4% for franchising. Out of 50 recruit respondents, 8 or 8% of the recruit answered retailing, 18 or 18% for buy and sell, 19 or 19% for networking and 5 or 5% for franchising. This means that the majority of the respondents both employees and recruit, which is 34 or 34% in total, prefer to choose the easiest way of earning money is networking. 2. Are you satisfied with your monthly income? Yes % No % Employees 4 4% 46 46% Recruit 10 10% 40 40% Total 14 14% 86 86% In question 2, out of 50 employees’ respondents, 4 or 4% of the employees answered yes, while 46 or 46% of the employees answered no. in the other hand, out of 50 recruit respondents, 10 or 10% of the recruit answered yes, while 40 or 40% of the recruit answered no. This means that the majority of both respondents, which is 86 or 86% in total, are not satisfied to their monthly income. 3. Do you think networking business is a stress-free-job? Yes % No % Employees 38 38% 12 12% Recruit 31 31% 19 19% Total 69 69% 31 31% In question 3, out of 50 employees’ respondents, 38 or 38% of the employees answered yes, while 12 or 12% of the employees answered no. In the other hand, out of 50 recruit respondents, 31 or 31% of the recruit answered yes, while 19 or 19% of the recruit answered no. This means that the majority of the both respondents, which is 69 or 69% in total, thought that networking business is a stress-free-job. 4. What comes in your mind when you heard about networking business? High High Easy job Selling Commission Investment Range salary Products Based Employees 2 28 8 6 6 Recruit 12 19 13 2 4 Total 14 47 21 8 10 In question 4, out of 50 employees’ respondents, 2 or 2%of the employees answered high investment, 28 or 28% for high range salary, 8 or 8% for easy job, 6 or 6% for selling products and 6 or 6% for commission based. Out of 50 recruit respondents, 12 or 12% of the recruit answered high investment, 19 or 19% for high range salary, 13 or 13% for easy job, 2 or 2% for selling products and 4 or 4% for commission based. This means that the majority of the both respondents, which is 47 or 47% in total, when they heard networking business the first thing comes on their mind, is having a high range salary. 5. Are you willing to invest in a networking business with as much as Php. 5,988? Yes % No % Employees 50 50% 0 0% Recruit 40 40% 10 10% Total 90 90% 10 10% In question 5, out of 50 employees’ respondents, 50 or 50% answered yes, while 0 or 0% of the employees answered no. Out of 50 recruit respondents, 40 or 40% of the recruit answered yes, while 10 or 10% of the recruit answered no. This means that the majority of the both respondents, which is 90 or 90% in total, are willing to invest in networking business with as much as Php. 5,988. 6. Do you think investing in networking business is more profitable than any other business? Yes % No % Employees 49 49% 1 1% Recruit 50 50% 0 0% Total 99 99% 1 1% In question 6, out of 50 employees’ respondents, 49 or 49% of the employees answered yes, while 1 or 1% of the employees answered no. Out of recruit respondents, 50 or 50% of the recruit answered yes, while 0 or 0% of the recruit answered no. This means that the majority of the both respondents, which is 99 or 99% in total, prefer to invest in networking business because of getting a high profit than the other company. 7. In your own perspective, do you think Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated would open more opportunities for you in attaining your success than any other businesses ? Yes % No % Employees 50 50% 0 0% Recruit 47 47% 3 3% Total 97 97% 3 3% In question 7, out of 50 employees’ respondents, 50 or 50% of the employees answered yes, while 0 or 0% of the employees answered no. Out of 50 recruit respondents, 47 or 47% of the recruit answered yes, while 3 o3% of the recruit answered no. This means that the majority of the both respondents, which is 97 or 97% in total, thought that by investing in Frontrow can open more opportunities to attain your success. 8. Do you think Php. 5,988/Php. 10,988 as investment in Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated is too much for a neophyte businessman like you? Yes % No % Employees 7 7% 43 43% Recruit 18 18% 32 32% Total 25 25% 75 75% In question 8, out of 50 employees’ respondents, 7 or 7% of the employees answered yes, while 43 or 43% of the employees answered no. Out of the 50 recruit respondents, 18 or 18% of the recruit answered yes, while 32 or 32% of the recruit answered no. This means that the majority of the both respondents, which is 75 or 75% in total, thought that Php. 5,988 / Php. 10,988 are enough for a neophyte businessman to invest in a networking business like Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated. 9. Does profitability of Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated satisfy your need? Yes % No % Employees 49 49% 1 1% Recruit 40 40% 10 10% Total 89 89% 11 11% In question 9, out of 50 employees’ respondents, 49 or 49% of the employees answered yes, while 1 or 1% of the employees answered no. Out of 50 recruit respondents, 40 or 40% of the recruit answered yes, while 10 or 10% of the recruit answered no. This means that the majority of the both respondents, which is 89 or 89% in total, said that the profitability in engaging at Frontrow can satisfy their needs. 10. If you are going to engage/invest in Frontrow, what is your main reason? To earn a high income Stress-free-job As part time job/extra income Employees 38 3 9 Recruit 41 3 6 Total 79 6 15 In question 10, out of 50 employees’ respondents, 38 or 38% of the employees answered to earn a high income, 3 or 3% for stress-free-job and 9 or 9% for as part time job. Out of 50 recruit respondents, 41 or 41% of the recruit answered to earn a high income, 3 or 3% for stress-free-job and 6 or 6% for as part time job. This means that the majority of the both respondents, which is 79 or 79% in total, prefer to engage/invest in Frontrow because of earning high income. Frontrow Compensation Plan As shown in this diagram of Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated compensation plan explain how the employee earn and how high depends on the number of recruits. Each employee will received Php. 500 for every recruited person and for every pair of recruited people can have an additional salary of Php. 1,000. Chapter 5 Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation This chapter summarizes the whole research, naming down the findings, the conclusion and the recommendations of the researchers from the data and information that they have gathered from the research study. Summary The research study’s main objective is to know the profitability of Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated as a networking business. The survey sheets and seminar were done to gather data from the Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated which is composed of the employees and invites, these were the person who are recruited by the employees. The survey serves as an instrument to collect and gather data from the respondents. Findings Based on the result from the data gathered, the following are the findings drawn from the research study. 1. Most of the respondents are females. Employees are composing of 23 males and 27 females, recruited people are compose of 15 males and 35 females. They have an age bracket of 18- above both the employees and recruited people which indicate that most of the respondents are adults. Employees of Frontrow earn 16,000-25,000 pesos monthly income while recruited people earn 10,000-15,000 pesos monthly income. 2. Most of the respondents are willing to invest at Frontrow Networking Business because they think that it is a stress-free-job and one of the main reasons on investing at networking business is to earn high income. They think that networking business is more profitable than any other businesses and can satisfy their needs through inviting people to invest in this kind of business. 3. Most of the respondents think that Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated would open more opportunities for them in attaining their success. As neophyte businessmen, they think that engaging in Frontrow provides them conveniently in terms of work and earn high salary as they expect to the business. Conclusion Based from the findings gathered by the researchers, they have listed down the conclusion they have drawn from the study. 1. Based on the data gathered most of the respondents are adult and are females, both employees and recruited people which earn high income. That is enough for the recruited people to invest at Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated. They tend to engage at networking business for them to further know about the process and to start gaining profit. 2. Based on the data gathered most of the respondents believe that networking business is the easiest way of earning money and profitable than any other business. The greater part of the percentage of the answers came from the respondents of Frontrow employees, as they proved it when they invested and worked for the  company. The recruits also believe that networking business is profitable, as they influenced by the employees because of knowing that Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated can give them high income. 3. Based on the data gathered, people find opportunities in investing at networking business. The importance of working for that kind of business gives them lot of experiences as they interact with various types of people and dealing with the same goal. In the same aspect, Recommendation After gathering the following finding and conclusions, the researchers have listed down the corresponding recommendation. 1. Aging 18-above comes to more opportunities in life. As a researchers suggest to dream high and don’t stop trying to engage in other opportunities that can benefit you in the future time. To those who earn also high income, try to establish or engage in other businesses and develop your skills in the field of business. 2. The researchers suggested that people who are not satisfied on their monthly income should find way to earn more profit by investing at networking business like in Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated that have a good company mission and vision in helping new businessman in creating and building their own journey in the field of business. People who are also willing to engage in Frontrow networking business should work hard for them to attain their goals. 3. Recruited persons are willing to invest with as much as Php 5,988 in Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated as they see that networking business is a stress-free-job and they tend to engage because of the high income potential. The researchers recommend that the recruits should invest at the company Frontrow to start working for their business and start inviting for their downlines or team members. The researchers recommend that people, especially to the neophyte businessmen, should consider networking business in Frontrow Enterprise Philippines incorporated is more profitable than any business as it gives opportunity to them in attaining their success. Employees of Frontrow invited people who are willing to engaged at the company to show more of the process on how networking business flows,  how they will earn money; as they said that it is the main reason why they are about to invest their money in Frontrow networking business. The employees should encourage more people to show the high profitability of network marketing business at Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated. The Profitability of Frontrow Enterprise Philippines, Inc. as Networking Business Name: Date: Age: Gender: Status: Profile: Working Student Student Housewife/ husband Regular Employee Business Owner other:_____________ > How much is your monthly income? Php10,000 below Php10,000-15000 Php16,000-25,000 Php26,000up Q1. What is the easiest way of earning money? Rate it to 1-4, one is the highest and 4 the lowest. __Retailing __Buy and Sell __Networking __Franchising Q2. Are you satisfied with your monthly income? Yes No Q3. Do you think networking business is a stress-free-job? Yes No Q4. What comes in your mind when you heard about networking business? High investment/capital High range salary Easy job Selling products Commission based Q5. Are you willing to invest in a networking business with as much as Php 5,000? Yes No Q6. Do you think investing in networking business is more profitable than any other business? Yes No Q7. In your own perspective, do you think Frontrow Enterprise Philippines, Inc. would open more opportunities for you in attaining your success than any other business? Yes No Q8. Do you think Php 5,000 as investment in Frontrow Enterprise Philippines, Inc. is too much for a neophyte businessman like you? Yes No Q9. Does profitability of Frontrow Enterprise Philippines,Inc. satisfy your needs? Yes No Q10If you are going to engage/invest in Frontrow, what is your main reason? To earn a high income Stress-free-job As part time job Bibliography Building a Profitable Business by: Cathy Qazalbash Benefits of Networking Building a Profitable Networking Business How to Create a Truly Profitable MLM Business Building A Profitable Network Marketing Business Tanada, J.K.,(2001); A Business Model for Philippine Telecom Companies for the New Economy Enriquez-Cruz, L.D., (1994); The profitability of the home video shop business in Baguio city Acknowledgment We would like to extent our deepest and warmest appreciation to the following for making this research study possible. First of all to Almighty God, for giving us strength and wisdom in creating this research study. Second, to all the employees and the recruited people of Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated who answered our survey questionnaire properly. Third, to Marjorie P. Ella and Juanito P. Baybayan Jr. who exerted so much effort and so much knowledge to be able to finish this research study. Fourth, to our entire group mates who contributed much in making this research paper complete. And last but not the least, to Mr. Joseph Dela Pena, for giving us a great responsibility and experience to make this research paper successfully. A million thanks to all of you. God bless GRC. Dedication The researchers dedicated the research study first to Almighty God, because without Him there will be no us. Also to our beloved parents and families who keep patient and understanding when we sleep late at night just to finish this masterpiece of us and lastly, to Mr. Joseph Dela Pena, who is responsible for this research paper and for being our inspiration in making this research study. Without his guide ,the researchers will never know how to make this research study.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Deviance: Nature vs. Nurture Essay

Every society has developed their own rules and principles, and every society contains those who break away from these norms and expectations. These people are called deviants. All societies throughout history have had these deviants who refuse to follow the rules set up by the community in which they live. Deviance is necessary, to some degree, for societies to advance. Without deviance, human culture would stagnate. The causes of deviance, like many other topics, is up for debate. Some say people are genetically determined to either be deviant or not, some say deviance is caused by the environment in which they grow up: nature, or nurture. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many families were studied in order to possibly find a connection between heredity and criminality or â€Å"feeble-mindedness† (feeble-mindedness was a term used in this time period that could mean a number of things: various forms of mental retardation, learning disabilities, and mental i llness). The two most well- known studies were of the Jukes and the Kallikak families. The Jukes were first studied in 1874 when a sociologist named Richard L. Dugdale studied the records of 13 prisons in New York. After researching a number of convicts’ genealogies, he found that there was a man, whom he gave the name Max, born somewhere between 1720 and 1740 who was the ancestor of 76 convicted criminals, 18 brothel owners, 120 prostitutes, over 200 people on welfare, and 2 cases of feeble-mindedness. In 1912, another study was published on the Jukes, this time by a man named Arthur H. Estabrook, who claimed Dugdale’s study hadn’t been thorough enough. Estabrook added more than 2,000 additional people into the group of subjects included under the pseudonym â€Å"Jukes,† raising the total to 2,820. The Kallikak family was first studied in the same year as the last study on the Jukes was published. Henry H. Goddard was an American psychologist who ran the New Jersey Home for the Education and Care of Feebleminded Children (now known as Vinel and Training School). In 1912, he began to study the genealogy of a woman in his facility, who he gave the pseudonym â€Å"Deborah Kallikak.† Goddard found that the woman’s great-great-great grandfather, Martin Kallikak, a Revolutionary War hero, at one point had an illegitimate child with a feeble-minded barmaid. This child, a son, had children of his own, who had their own children, and continued on through the generations. These descendants all wound up poor, insane, criminal, or mentally retarded. However, after further research into Martin Kallikak’s family tree, Goddard found that his other descendants, those not related to the feeble-minded barmaid, were completely different. These children grew up to be intelligent, prosperous, upright citizens; they went into careers like doctors, lawyers, and ministers. According to Dugdale, Estabrook, and Goddard, there is a very clear link between genetics and the behavior in which a person participates within their lifetime. These studies , however, are 100 years old. Some people would argue that unless more modern research is devoted to genetic-based deviance, that we cannot consider these studies valid today. There has been a significant amount of study given to genetically caused deviance, in particular to the MAOA gene. In a few different studies the low-expression variant of this gene, known as MAOA-L, has been linked to an increased risk of violence and aggressive behavior. The MAOA gene controls the production of monoamine oxidase A, an enzyme that lowers the body’s use of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. When the MAOA-L gene is present in a person, their body will use more of these neurotransmitters than normal, this can lead to sleep disorders, excessively impulsive or violent behaviors, and extreme mood swings. A 2006 study, headed by Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, found that people with the MAOA-L gene were more likely to have a smaller limbic system. The limbic system includes the hippocampus, amygdala, anterior thalami c nuclei, and the limbic cortex. These parts of the brain help to control emotion, behavior, and long-term memory. The study also found that the amygdala became hyper responsive when the participants with the MAOA-L gene were given a task such as copying a facial expression. The amygdala is a part of what controls emotional processing in the brain; the researchers hypothesized that this group would be less likely to inhibit strong emotional impulses. Studies such as these can give great support to the nature side of the deviance debate. On the nurture side of the argument, numerous studies on the effects of a divorce or broken home on a child have led to some convincing statistics. Children of divorced parents are about two times more likely to drop out of high school than those whose parents continued to be together. Females who grew up in a family where the parents divorced are roughly twice as likely to become teenage mothers than those living with non-divorced, biological parents. Seventy percent of long- term convicted criminals were raised in a broken home. While 75% of juvenile criminals who are considered a threat to the public also came from a divorced family. A perfect example of deviance being a result of environment and not genetics is a man named Richard Ramirez. Ramirez was born in 1960 and was the youngest of six children; he and his siblings all grew up surrounded by the same home environment. The difference for Richard being that around ten years old, his cousin, Mike, became a role model after returning from the war in Vietnam and receiving numerous awards and medals. However, Mike was not a positive influence on Ramirez; he showed Richard pictures of women in Vietnam whom he raped, and then showed him pictures of the same women after they had been brutally murdered. Mike taught Richard how to hunt effectively, and eventually introduced him to drugs and theft. What many consider the final trigger for Ramirez, about 11 years old at the time, was when he witnessed Mike kill his wife. In 1983 Richard Ramirez moved to the Los Angeles, California area; soon after, in June of 1984, Ramirez claimed his first victim. â€Å"The Night Stalker,† as he was eventually labeled, continued on a string of murders, rapes, and mutilations until he was incarcerated in August of 1985. Ramirez was convicted of 13 murders, 5 attempted murders, 11 sexual assaults, and 14 burglaries. He is currently on death row.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Deadly Unna Essay

Deadly Unna by Phillip Gwyn is a story about the friendship between two boys set up in a small country town in the 1980’s South Australia. Gary Black (or Blacky) is the protagonist, a fifteen year old boy with many siblings, who develops and matures. He becomes highly aware of racism in the small country town against aboriginal people, as well as many other issues through out the course of the novel. Through out the story he meets a girl named Cathy that he gets smitten by, he looses his friend Dumby because he died in a shoot out down by the bar, so he drastically matures as the novel progress. Some of the other significant themes dealt with by Deadly Unna are the issues related to life in a small country town and the idea of loss of childhood innocence. Let’s begin when Blacky’s ALF team gets trophies for a specific category e. g. : scored most goals ECT. Dumby was the ‘best man on field’ so he obviously deserved and earned the ‘Best Man on Field’ Trophy. But instead the trophy was awarded to Mark-Arks. Remember when Dumby tried to mug Macca’s bar, he died because he shoot him with a shotgun and the police didn’t even try to solve the case. Basically nobody cared just because Dumby was just another Aborigines kid. Speaking of Maccas’s bar, all the gonyas sits in the front of the bar. But the Nungas is in the back. Except for one person called Tommy who always says Chug-A-Lug. But he’s only there because he is always drunk and it’s funny for the Gonyas. When the Slogs wrote BOONGS PISS OFF. This really affected Blacky because he became so aware of racism ever since Dumby’s death. Blacky’s loss of childhood innocence begun when Dumby died, one of his best friends that he has ever had just disappeared and now his childhood has basically vanished because everything he knew as a child is now gone. When Gary wanted to grab some paint and a brush his dad busted him and told Blacky to put the brush and the paint down. But Gary has matured because he as gone through so much that he has lost his childhood. All the Sad stuff that has been going on in his life made him realise that he is not a little kid anymore, especially when Darcy said ‘I dare say they should Blacky, I dare say they should†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ He now sees what racism people have against the Aboriginal population, and now his childhood has passed away. Another example is when Gary gets smitten by Cathy, this is a prime example that he has now matured and moved on to his teenage life.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Response to Comments on DQ1 C and DQ2 KSmith,Wk3 Essay

Response to Comments on DQ1 C and DQ2 KSmith,Wk3 - Essay Example You mentioned that the annual report is the most important report prepared by corporations for the shareholders and other stakeholders. I agree that the annual report is the most informative corporate statement since it provides valuable information about the business, its finances, and the strategic goals of the enterprise. Learning the basics about financial statements can help investors make better investing decisions. DQ2 The use of a classification system in the balance sheet is very useful because it creates consistency between statements. Investors can utilize the information contained in the classified balance sheet to perform quantitative financial analysis such as ratio analysis, variance analysis, or sensitivity analysis. The list of assets included in the classified balance sheet is ordered from top to bottom with the top accounts representing the most liquid ones. The most liquid financial asset is cash (Investopedia, 2011). When I answered this question originally I als o could not think of any additional classification that could add value to the classified balance sheet. The balance sheet internal structure follows the logic of the basic accounting equation which states that assets equals liabilities plus stockholder’s equity. The format used in the classified balance sheet is very easy to understand which makes it easier for teachers to teach accounting students.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Abbey Bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Abbey Bank - Essay Example Abbey is one of the UK’s leading personal financial services company. It offers a full range of personal financial services including mortgages and savings, bank accounts, loans and credit cards, long term investments policies, critical illness and unemployment cover, and household finance. The company operates in the UK, Europe, and the US. It is headquartered in London, UK and employs about 25,000 people. Abbey is one of the leading providers of mortgages, savings, protection and self- invested personal pensions in the United Kingdom and is one among the largest bank in UK.The Group's principal activity is the provision of major financial services and residential mortgage lending. The Group's financial services includes Banking and Savings which provides residential mortgages, savings and banking & consumer credit; Investment Protection consists of three principal segments: protection, investment and savings & pensions; General Insurance includes non-life insurance products and residential home insurance; Treasury Services was structured into three business areas: Asset and Liability Management, Financial Products and Short Term Markets; Group Infrastructure comprises Central Services, Financial Holdings and the results of certain small non-core businesses and Portfolio Business Unit which includes Wholesale Banking (Roy, 2005).

Analyze the main reasons why companies decide to internationalize Assignment

Analyze the main reasons why companies decide to internationalize their activities - Assignment Example With the rush to globalize corporations on the increase, it is of great importance that the reasons behind this internationalization be analyzed. In the work of Rugman (2003), it is evident that corporations internationalize their businesses so as to remain competitive and relevant in the market. This form of networking is evident in the case of Chabros International Group that internationalized its markets so as to stay relevant in the tough economic times of the time (Farah, 2010). Additionally firms internationalize so as to fit in the current global economy (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2007). Relationships between varying firms are considered as networks that require co-existence and relationship between the varying complexes. For instance, the manufacturing industries have to create close links with production, distribution as well as service provision. In this case, internationalization is inevitable if a firm has to remain in the market. Mathis, Rogmans & Albqami (2011) say that there are many risks in the market including the political risk. With the financial and political risks on the rise, notable the global crisis of 2007, and unrests in Middle East and North Africa respectively, Mathis, Rogmans & Albqami (2011) indicate that there was need to change the macroeconomic policies in UAE and Saudi Arabia to reduce the impacts of global crisis on the economy. In this instance, there is need for internalization of the management base of the investors in multinational companies so as to reduce the liability of foreign investors, and the need to incorporate local partners in their corporations. Cavusgil, Ghauri & Sinkovics (2009) argue that corporations face stiff competition in the domestic market. Internalization for their markets gives them a chance to devise policies that will keep them running in such touch economic conditions. Through setting market policies, corporations are able to react to unforeseen threats from their foreign competitors, and as a

Monday, August 26, 2019

Environmental Health Assessment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Environmental Health Assessment - Case Study Example In Kenya for example, we have the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA). The authority is charged with many tasks of managing the environment from destruction, key among them harmonizing a range of environmental management activities that is conducted by other lead agencies. Among other functions, it is also charged with promoting the incorporation of ecological deliberations into development strategies, projects, and programmes, with an oversight of ensuring rational utilization and proper management of environmental wealth on a sustainable yield basis (NEMA, 2008). To start up a project in Kenya, managers must apply to NEMA so that an environmental risk and health assessment can be undertaken. These procedures are usually done to identify an alternative project that harms the environment and health of citizens less. The assessments are also carried out in order to come up with mitigation procedures that can be used to reimburse for possible health and environmental impacts (Turnbull, 1991). In Kenya, NEMA reserves the final say of allowing industries to use the Kenyan environment to conduct their business. It licenses them after the assessment is done and the industries or projects are given a clean bill of health in environmental preservation. When projects flout the rules and start degrading the environment, NEMA can automatically revoke the license and the firm will cease to operate (NEMA, 2008). Kenya Utility Poles Ltd Due to high demand of electricity poles from Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), the main power distributor in Kenya, a consortium of investors from the United States has come up with a plan to build a multi-billion industry that will ease the demand for electricity poles. KPLC has been sourcing majority of its utility poles from neighboring Tanzania, thus using up a huge chunk of its revenue on utility poles. To KPLC, the investors' idea of starting up an industry that will mass produce utility poles at the heart of Nairobi, the capital city, is good news. But this is not well received by NEMA, the authority charged with managing the environment. After the investors presented their proposals to NEMA for consideration, it was realized that the company was intending to use Pentachlorophenol (PCP) chemical for poles preservation. Pentachlorophenol, hereafter known as PCP is mainly used as a restricted pesticide in farming activities. But it is also an effective wood preservative used mainly in wharf pilings, railroad tiers, and utility poles. When individuals are exposed to the chemical at high levels, various counterproductive health as well as ecological issues arises (What is pentachlorophenol, 2008). This is what is making NEMA to sound the alarm bell. The chemicals contained in PCP causes many health complications. They are known to damage the liver as well as weaken the immune system of victims. This will have direct health ramifications for workers of the proposed industry as well as those living in the vicinity. The chemicals are also known to raise the body temperatures and cause developmental defects to those who are exposed. Ecologically, PCP was found to be highly toxic to warm and cold fishes and all the other

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Training and Development proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Training and Development - Research Proposal Example It is thus appropriate to review some of the strategies taken when training some of these employees in the human resource department in order for them to work effectively and consequently live quality lives and for the industry to continue performing effectively (Gold and Thorpe, 2010, 56). In the study, I plan to incorporate the Kirkpatrick’s model. The model is quite critical and has the ability to work effectively to show the various training aspects. One of the aspects from the model that I plan to incorporate is the Learning. I am bound to show the learning procedure that I am bound to incorporate to the trainees (Gold and Thorpe, 2010, 43). Understanding the learning process has the advantage of having the trainees understanding the various concepts taught in the petroleum industry even further. The second aspect that I ought to incorporate is the reaction. Reaction is critical for it will assist an employer or rather potential employers understand the best manner through which to treat some of the employees (Garry, 2007, 650). Different employees have different reactions to different tasks given to them (Jeffrey, 2014, 17). Some reactions from the employers are quite negative, this is poor, and depending on the employer, they have the ability or rather po ssibility of gaining employment. There are also some employees with positive attitudes and I am bound to express the advantages that these employees have in the training process. In the paper, I am bound to reveal the results of the training process. This section will express the employees that managed to pass the training process and offer a discussion that will reveal why they passed the interview (Botha, 2009, 32). There are also employees that did not quite pass the interview and I will sure reveal the reasons why they did not pass and discuss the reasons for their failure. This is critical for it will assist people in understanding the characteristics that

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes - Assignment Example The dictatorial tendencies, poor rapport in the various levels of management and mistrust from the workforce constitute the confounding issues the faces the implementations of the total management program. The paper utilizes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as a management tool in order to analyze the case study effectively VC Brakes faced numerous issues emanating from its autocratic culture that dominated the firm’s operations (Cespedes and Yong, 2013, Pg. 2). In addition, VC Brakes had a reputation of poor top- down managerial skills and lack of trust from the production to the professional workforce who felt that the firm was unresponsive to their queries. The introduction of total quality management program by Crossroads Corporation was intended to improve the product quality, management practices and more so, to develop a consistent operational strategy that would be utilized across all sectors in the various subsidiaries found under VC Brakes.Questio n 1The major situation that faced Ryan involved the implementation of total quality management program that would raise the ailing quality productivity at VC Brakes. The autocratic culture evident in VC Brakes is depicted in various situations in the case study of instance, the emphatic condensation of the training sessions. (Cespedes and Yong, 2013, Pg. 6).   The notion would have amassed numerous achievements if it had gone through the initially specified time since it could have provided ample time.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Concert report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Concert report - Essay Example Seven pieces were played in the concert, of which Salve Venere, Salve Marte, and Sonata were played before the intermission whereas Apres un Reve, Improvisation XIII in A Minor, Nuit dà ©toiles, Eccentric Dances, and Pearls III were performed after the intermission. Since it was a concert centered around tuba, the program’s overview was performed in a low tune. In this concert, I happened to experience some very good Baroque style of music. Bruce Broughton’s Sonata was the best piece among all in the concert. I particularly liked it more because that piece combined tuba with piano. In that piece, I could figure out a variety of element that we were taught before in the class. Kathy started the piece by playing piano in a low volume that gradually rose as she started playing the key harder. Piano was followed by tuba that although was played in a low moderato tempo, yet its deep and grave timbre blanketed the sound of piano. The example that Kate and Kathy set during the piece’s coda was second to none which was why, the piece had had such a lasting effect on me, and I am sure, on most of the audiences too. I found Salve Venere, Salve Marte by John Stevens relatively boring and mismatched with the energy level of the rest of the pieces. I would not regret if that piece was not included into the concert. The reason I didn’t like it was because it was a tuba solo with a moderato tempo and that too, continued for full 8 minutes. Particularly, the deep timber of tuba made a not-so-pleasing sound. Perhaps, it would have played the effect of a break had it been shorter in time-span. The high pitch of the piece by Bruce Broughton was quite overwhelming and sent pleasant goose-bumps down my spine as I listened to that wonderful music. I could feel the rise in the energy level of the audience as they listened to the music. John

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Free will Determinism Essay Free will is the power to choose among real alternative possibilities. To have free will is to have what it takes to act freely. When an agent acts freely (when she exercises her free will) what she does is up to her. A plurality of alternatives is open to her, and she determines which she pursues. When she does, she is an ultimate source or origin of her action. So runs a familiar conception of free will. Incompatibility holds that we act freely in this sense only if determinism is false. Some say little more about what, besides indeterminism, free will requires. And, yes, the task of providing an incompatibility account is not an easy one. If the truth of determinism would prevent free will, it is far from obvious how indeterminism would help. To assess the point to which free will is compatible with Determinism, one must first consider other approaches to the concept of free will and whether we, in fact, possess it. A Hard Determinist, such as Honderich, would claim that individuals are not free to initiate actions or make moral decisions, by this means making the concept of moral responsibility unnecessary. Any moral decisions we make have uncontrollable prior causes. Therefore, a Hard Determinist would support the premise that free will and Determinism are not compatible with one another. Completely different to Hard Determinism is Libertarianism, with which free will is closely compatible. Proponents of this position, such as Kant, maintain that we are all free and should take full moral responsibility for our actions. Between these two extremes stands Compatibilism. Classical Compatibilists, such as Hume, state that most moral decisions are the result of both external determined forces and an internal act of volition or will. In fact, they go so far as to say that true freedom requires causation, without which there would be randomness. Undeniably then, the idea of free will is incompatible with Hard Determinism. A Compatibilist or Soft Determinist, however, would prove false the claim that the two concepts are incompatible. Arguably then, Libertarianism would seem to present the most convincing approach to the issue of free will, in that it acknowledges the role of the individual in moral decision making because of their free will, while accepting that the persons background will, influence the choices they make. Hard Determinism on the other hand, holdsthat we do not have free will and that all seemingly moral actions are the consequences of prior events that are out of our control. The incompatibility between this position and freedom results in the statement that it is unreasonable to hold people responsible for what they do, making praise and blame redundant. If no one is free to do otherwise than they in fact do, it does seem unfair to punish bad actions while rewarding good ones. Furthermore, Science has proved that the world is governed by cause and effect. For a Hard Determinist, human beings are the same as material things, in that they are controlled by the same laws of nature. Our wills, which we believe to be freely gained, are actually the result of a causal chain stretching back into childhood. The fact we are governed by our genes and our environment  means  that our ability to make moral decisions as free agents, is an illusion. Therefore, the Hard Determinist position seems to be incompatible with the concept of free will.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Patchwork Essay Example for Free

Patchwork Essay â€Å"The relationship between the object and the intervening spaces is not formal: it is always rooted in the context of a particular setting† Dalibor Vesely (in Brooker and Stone, 2007, p. 57). The Neues or New Museum (see figure [1]) was completely built in 1855. The building was design by a Prussian architect, Karl Friedrich Schinkel. The purpose of the building was originally built as an extension house to accommodate Altes Museum. Most of Karl Friedrich Schinkel’s works were Neo-Classical, such as, Neue Wache also known as New Gate House and The Konzerthaus Berlin (von Buttlar, A. Architectural Guide [2012], pg 4). Architecture in style of Neo-Classic contains the component of characteristic temple-like features of Greek and Rome (for instance, Acropolis in Athens and The Pantheon in†¯Rome) Architecture, rolls of tall columns, pediments and domed roof, for example (see figure [2]). One of the most important elements in Greek and Roman architecture was balance and symmetry (see figure [3]) which was hugely influential in the structure of neo-classical. Many neo-classical architecture have one component that can be identified as its style, the use of columns, that are normally built to almost the same height as the building. Columns are used to secure the symmetrical and balance of the dimension of the building as it is the efficacious†¯and evident use of method as for exterior. Also, the uses of columns support the pediment. The arch and columns, however, have comparatively become a symbol of Greek and Romans architectural style. Some believes those features are a conspicuous and crucial part in the revival of its style. Thus it remains a ‘staple of neoclassical architecture’, together with its ‘distinctive domed roof’ (N/A. (2012) NeoClassic, [Online], Avalible at : . Neues Museum built in a Neo – Classical style that began in the 19th century, the building spanned over three floors including a grand staircase. The design of the Neues is heavily influenced by Stoa in Athens classical Greek architecture. Inside this building is a broad staircase and iconic columns, which lead towards a bronze portal that then leads to a double staircase to the ending upper floor which was nearly destroyed during the Second World War. In 2003, British architect David Chipperfield, whose aim was to restore the parts of the build that were destroyed while also keeping conservation requirements. He wanted to keep to the original structure while creating continuity with the existing structure. The newly designed expedition rooms were built mainly of pre – fabricated concrete elements, which consist of Saxonian marble chips. In the Northwest wing of the new build it was constructed by recycled handmade bricks. David Chipperfield has managed to not only keep the original quality of the build but almost enhance its structure without losing any of the builds feature. (Minner , Kelly . Neues Museum / David Chipperfield Architects in collaboration with Julian Harrap 28 Apr 2011. ArchDaily. In conclusion, after the research through this essay, we strongly agree with the quote â€Å"The relationship between the object and the intervening spaces is not formal: it is always rooted in the context of a particular setting†. Hence the Neues Museum is situated on an island which surrounded by other neo-classical architecture, even though the bu ilding was built after the neo-classical trend had become unfashionable. Thus that makes the Neues Museum blends in with its environment. Bibliography von Buttlar , Adrian. Neues Museum Berlin. Architectural Guide: Deutscher Kunstverlag (Mar 2010) Hà ¶fer, Candida and Kenneth Frampton. Neues Museum Berlin: By David Chipperfield Architects in Collaboration with Julian Harrap: (English Edition) Walther Kà ¶nig (30 Nov 2009) Mustertitel . The Neues Museum Berlin: Conserving, Restoring, Rebuilding Within the World Heritage : Art Stock Books Ltd (30 Mar 2009) Figure [1] The Neues Museum [ -in-collaboration-with-julian-harrap/] Figure [2] Dome roof Pediment Roll of columns [] Figure [3] Symmetrical Balance []

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effect of Personality on Career Choice

Effect of Personality on Career Choice Which personality factors would be most likely to inform an ambitious choice of career? Discuss in reference to concepts drawn from at least two theories of personality. Personality is a set of psychological processes which emerges from our brain, which defined as ongoing natures that craft the characteristic patterns of interaction with individual’s environment (Goldberg, 1993; Olver and Mooradian, 2003; Parks and Guay, 2009). The relationship between personality and career planning has been researched for decades suggesting that there is a significant relationship between personality factors and career choices, however, practically, wrong career choice are made due to the ignorance of specific personality type of the individuals (Roberts and Robins, 2000; Onoyase and Onoyase, 2009; Hirschi et al., 2010; Gunkel, Schlaegel, Langella, Peluchette, 2010; Hussain et. al , 2012). Therefore, the objective of this article is to discuss compatibilities among career choice decisions and the personality type of the incumbents opting for job because people make decisions of their career choices based on their personality types (Onoyase and Onoyase, 2009 ; Hussain et al., 2012). The first theory that is discussed is on Carl G Jung’s belief personality. His theory led to a self-reported psychological preference framework known as The Myers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) which is developed by Kathryn Briggs and Isabel Myers Briggs. The combination of the descriptions of each of the four preferences of the MBTI make up 16 possible personality factors (Blackford, 2010), which indicates the strength of the preference for each dimension (Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). Fretwell, Lewis, and Hannay (2013) explained that Extraversion and Introversion index reflect where individual prefer to focus their attention, the extroverts receive their sources of energy from the outside world of people, the interactions with people and things are their main focus, and urged to be involved in things. They work quickly and dislike complicated procedures, but they can be impatient at long slow jobs. They prefer oral communication and can communicate freely with others that is why they tend to fall towards careers where there are interactions with others. Where else Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay (2013) explained that for introverts energy comes from the inner world of experience including, concepts, thoughts and ideas. Introvert Individuals tend to be more into facts and more idealistic which explain and underlie what goes on in the world. They tend to gravitate towards careers where ideas need to understood and organised. Introverts are more contemplative, like quiet co ncentration, are careful with details and enjoy working on one project for a long time. They are content to work alone and prefer to utilize written communication (Filbeck et al., 2005; McPherson, 1999; Myers McCaulley, 1989; Opt Loffredo, 2003; Tan Tiong, 1999; Varvel et al., 2004; Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). The Sensing and Intuition Index reflects how individual receives information around him and perceive the world (Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). Sensing Individual choose concrete details of a situation using their five senses to discern facts or events (Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). Sensing types (Blackford, 2010). Individual with intuitive focus on looking at the overall experience as a whole, relying on a sixth sense or personal hunches or insight rather than on the five senses. They enjoy novelty, change and the unusual. Sensing types tend to be more realistic, practical and tend to be attracted to work where the products can be seen and measured while intuitive types focus on the future and the possibilities that it holds and more attracted to work which requires the big picture, a future orientation, such as strategic planning. (Filbeck et al., 2005; Fox-Hines Bowersock, 1995; McPherson, 1999; Myers McCaulley, 1989; Opt Loffredo, 2003; Tan Tiong, 1999; Varvel et al., 200 4; Blackford, 2010; Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013. The Thinking and Feeling index are basic mental processes that reflects the partialities of individuals’ decision making, data processing, and evaluation of perceptions. Logic, facts, and fairness are preference of thinking individuals. They Objective driven and the application of principles to a decision. They are often uncomfortable dealing with the feelings of others. Thinking individuals are more drawn towards careers which require logical analysis such as science, engineering and finance. Those with a feeling preference use personal or social values when making decisions. Their decisions are more subjective in nature, and they consider the impact that their decisions will have on others. They enjoy pleasing others and are more likely to offer appreciation and sympathy. Feeling types individual are drawn to careers where communicating, teaching and helping are valuable tools. (Filbeck et al., 2005; Fox-Hines Bowersock, 1995; McPherson, 1999; Myers McCaulley, 1989; Opt L offredo, 2003; Tan Tiong, 1999; Varvel et al., 2004; Blackford, 2010; Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay (2013) explained that The Judging and Perceiving index looks at how individual’s preference in organizing and orienting themselves to the external world. Individuals who uses a judging mental processes to focus on leading an organized and orderly life. They are punctual, orderly, seek closure, and prefer control over their lives through detailed planning and collecting enough data to make a decision. They are action-oriented, decisive, and may see things as black and white, which can manifest itself as a closed-minded attitude. Those with a perceiving mental process, they are more spontaneous and open to new ideas. They are more flexible and relaxed; they go with the flow, and resent time constraints because they keep their options open for new developments, deferring decisions in case something new and interesting turns up. They see more greys and tend to be more open-minded. These individuals prefer to adapt to situations rather than control them (Fi lbeck et al., 2005; Fox-Hines Bowersock, 1995; McPherson, 1999; Myers McCaulley, 1989; Varvel et al., 2004; Blackford, 2010; Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). After reviewing each personality factors in the Myers Briggs Type Inventory, Davies (2008) concluded that itis a personality preference rather than a trait instrument. There are no right or wrong answers or better or worse personality types to be in making a career choice. All the sixteen possible personality types are good and have the potential for development. Blackford (2010) acknowleged that the MBTI is not about pigeon-holing people and forcing them into one box, rather to raise awareness of one’s own strengths and areas for development. However, Different theory have different explanation too, like the Five-Dimension Personality Model also known as the Big Five Model in personality research (Goldberg, 1992; Sucier and Goldberg, 1998; Hussain et al., 2012). The Model consist of five personality trait, first,opennessess to experience which is the inclination to be imaginative, independent, and interested in variety (Hussain et al., 2012). Conscientiousness is the affinity to be prepared, chary, and disciplined. Third, Extraversion which is the propensity to be gregarious, fun-loving, and warm (Hussain et al., 2012). Fourth, the tendency to be sympathetic, trusting, and supportive is termed as Agreeableness (Hussain et al., 2012). Lastly, the tendency to be anxious, emotionally unstable and self-blaming known as neuroticism (Goldberg, 1993; Hussain et al., 2012). According to Hussain et. al, (2012), he actually associated a few of the career choices with the Five Factor Models, as he made a few claims based on the career choice such as managers and executives, where the job scope requires individual to manage or execute things perfectly demands strong social interaction ability in individuals and it demands attitude ready to accept changes in external environment (Hussain et al., 2012). First he claimed that, individuals who is either ranked high on conscientiousness and agreeableness will do better in such career because as they have to manage the things on right time, be well predicted in an investigative style (Judge et al., 1999; Hussain et al., 2012) and ready to perform their operations for smooth run of their organization (Hussain et al., 2012). Second, low in neuroticism level because managers and leaders have to deal with decision makin, money and other resource pressures which tend to make them fright, traumatic and emotionally unst ablized. Therefore, there is a need to be emotionally strong and have capability to cope up with certain pressures in a well mannered and realistic way (Judge et al., 1999; Hussain et al., 2012) way. Lastly, ranked average on openess to experience and extraversion will too, do better in such careers, because in order to allow negotiations to be successful, they need to at least have moderate capability of arguing and clarifying their point of view easily and conventionally (Barrick and Mount, 1991; Hussain et al., 2012). On the aspect of career choice like Entrepreneurship, Individuals with high ranking on openness to experience and conscientiousness take broad initiative and risky moves (Howard and Howard, 1995; Hussain et al., 2012). to start new projects and to expand their businesses in more dynamic world (Zhao and Seibert, 2006; Hussain et al., 2012). More the experience and interactions they have, more they will perceive the pits and falls in operationalisation of their new schemes and plans (Ackerman and Beier, 2003; Hussain et al., 2012). Moreover, high openness to experience of someone helps him out in learning and adapting new changes in their surroundings (Zhao and Seibert, 2006; Hussain et. al, 2012). In this way, they will more likely be effective in coping up hindrances and difficulties faced by them (Aldridge, 1997; Hussain et. al, 2012). Entrepreneurs have to deal with risk and returns always, so, they must be very conscious and careful in their investments (Barrick and Mount, 1991; H ussain et. al, 2012) in order to achieve the optimal results and to maximize their returns. They need to be compact and managed in their acts for the smooth run of their business (Zhao and Seibert, 2006; Hussain et. al, 2012). Therefore, a high rank on the conscientiousness personality trait helps them to be very careful and best planners (Aldridge, 1997; Hussain et. al, 2012). or high on neuroticism perso nality trait will perform better in career choice in entrepreneurs. Individual who decide on non-profit oriented and social professions there is a keen need to feel for others and have tendency to help out others sacrificing own rest, peace and some time resources (Barrick and Mount, 1991; Hussain et. al, 2012). Secondly, there must also be a propensity to trust others and to interact with others. Lastly, emotions are need of these professions but they should also be at least strong enough not to be depressed enough that can derail their will power and dominance to exhibit their internal strengths (Cattell and Mead, 2008; Hussain et. al, 2012). Therefore, individual with high agreeableness and extraversion personality traits or average on neuroticism scale will excel more likely in non-profit or social making and helping profession (Hussain et. al, 2012). Public Sector professionals demand self-discipline, self-control, management and conscientiousness in each step in order to succeed. Punctuality and practicality are the key symbols of public sector organizations. People with sound emotional capabilities are more likely to be accomplishing their given assignments rather than who fail in stressful and time bound environment (Cattell and Mead, 2008). People who rank high on conscientiousness or low on neuroticism are more likely to excel in public sector careers in their life. Scientists and researchers or other practitioner shave to cope up with different complex nature of problems and obstacles that need more than an ordinary look. For that, they need to be very experienced, sensitive, open to learn and perceive new things and to deduce newness from old rigid thoughts (Cattell and Mead, 2008). The more a person is exposed to an environment, the more he or she will have the capability and strength to cover all aspects of single problem. Therefore, he or she will be more likely to introduce new ways of solving a single problem. (Ackerman and Beier, 2003, Capretz, 2003). Individual ranking high on openessness or low on extraversion to experience are more likely to be successful in research, science and engineering cadres. In conclusion, different personality factors such as the traits from Five Factor Model can indicate a striving motivation to attain ambitious career choice. Ambitious career such as entrepreneurship, managerial or executive positions and social or non-profit organization professions, has been demonstrated to have relate to personality factors such as Conscientiousness, Openness to experiences, Agreeableness and Extraversion. A high level of conscientiousness and openness to experiences seems to relate to pursing of entrepreneurship and managerial positions. On the other hand, a high level of agreeableness and extraversion seems to relate to pursuing a career of social or non-profit professions field. In addition, individuals who are high in neuroticism are less likely to pursue ambitious choice of career as they are often too overwhelmed by their emotions, which impact their ability in making major choices and handle pressure which is unavoidable in an ambitious career. Furthermore, a moderately high in psychoticism may be acceptable as it could aid in pursing ambitious career such as scientist, as it requires highly creative thinking style to achieve impactful discovery, but further research in this area still needs to be examine in order to obtain more credibility. Overall, all of the traits in Five Factor Model (Except neuroticism) and Psychoticism are likely to inform an ambitious career choice.

Geography of Jamaica Essay -- Geographical History Jamaican Essays

Geography of Jamaica Christopher Columbus came upon Jamaica as his fleet sailed into St. Ann’s Bay on his second voyage of discovery to the New World in 1494. He described Jamaica as, â€Å"the fairest island eyes have beheld; mountainous and the land seems to touch the sky....and full of valleys and fields and plains† (Roberts, 141). Although founded by a Spaniard, Jamaica was eventually sold to England. Today, Jamaica is the largest of the English speaking West Indian islands. The tropical island of Jamaica, called Xamayca by the Arawaks, is situated in the heart of the Caribbean Sea, about 90 miles south of Cuba and 100 miles west of Haiti (Gleaner). The island is located strategically between the Caymen Trench and Jamaica Channel, through which there is heavy shipping traffic. Jamaica is the third largest island in the Greater Antilles. The island is composed of three parts, the Eastern Highlands, Central Plateaus and Hills, and Coastal plains. The geography is unique on a variety of levels. Of Jamaica’s 4,411 square miles, almost half of its terrain reaches over 1000 feet above sea level (Roberts, 141). The highest point on the island is at the peak of Blue Mountain at 7,402 feet high (Roberts, 141). The island stretches 150 miles long and about 50 miles wide, from St. Ann’s Bay to Portland Point. This terrain is made up of rugged mountains and lush forests, although about 640 miles of this island are beaches. The mountains are mostly located on the interior of the island, There are 120 rivers that start in the mountains of Jamaica and drain into the sea. This helps drain the average 77 inches of yearly rainfall. Almost all of the terrain is home to palm trees and other exotic plant lif... ...he outcome is still devastating to crops, homes, and communications. Other forces of devastation occur on account of the human population of Jamaica. Deforestation is an issue on Jamaica’s sugar, coffee and banana plantations because of pesticides and fertilizers used. Local and corporate fishermen have been endangering small fish, which are becoming less abundant on coral reefs because of fishing nets and pollution. Other environmental issues include sewage, waste and oil spills as well as pollution from cars in Kingston and other cities on the island. Monuments, beaches and Parks play a big role with the tourist industry of Jamaica. The islands’ touring cliffs, magnificent waterfalls and tropical forests attract many tourists. Over 90% of the natives of Jamaica are of African descent and their national motto is â€Å"Out of many, One People†.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

An Overview of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome The human genome is a remarkable system composed of over 3 billion DNA base pairs that encode for the characteristics that makes people distinctly human and unique themselves. Without the genome’s nearly flawless ability to self-replicate the human species would cease to exist. As incredible as this replication methodology is, it is not without its faults. Genetic mutations, though rare and typically harmless, can strike at any time and in various ways. Still, when they do cause harm the effects can be profound and impossible to ignore. Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) is an instance where the mutation of just one nucleotide has devastating results. The Mayo Clinic defines progeria as a progressive genetic disorder that causes children to age rapidly, beginning in their first two years of life. This study defines the disease of progeria by outlining symptoms and identifying causes that lead to its diagnosis. In addition, treatment methods and extensive research tha t give those affected by the disease hope for a brighter future are highlighted. It is noteworthy to mention that there are numerous diseases associated with rapid ageing and progeria like symptoms. Cockayne, Lison, Werner’s, and Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch Syndromes are amongst these diseases. The shortened term progeria can be used to address any of these disorders but is most often specifically associated with HGPS. This distinct disease was named after Jonathan Hutchinson and Hastings Gilford who each independently described it in 1886 and 1897 respectively. Thankfully, this alarming syndrome is so rare that it only affects about 1 in every 4 million children born. Progeria is onset by a complicated series... ...ties are still exciting to speculate over. In closing, as overwhelming as the complications brought about from progeria may seem it is important to keep things in perspective. Research has gone a long way to improve the livelihood of those affected by this awful disability and in the process opened several new doors. While these fresh discoveries raise a plethora of new questions, it is essential to pursue the betterment of life for everyone. After all, HGPS is but one of many disorders set off by a slight and uncontrollable mutation. Fortunately, organizations such as the Progeria Research Foundation are working hard to raise awareness of the disease and unlock its true cure. In time all of this strife will bring a rich reward of enlightenment and new possibilities for the genes of every living being as the mesmerizing depths of the genome are abundantly explored.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Euthanasia Essay: Assisted Suicide and Dr. Kevorkian -- Euthanasia Phy

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dr. Jack Kevorkian was sentenced fifteen to twenty years in jail for a second degree murder charge.   There is no doubt that Dr. Kevorkian injected lethal drugs into Thomas Youk, killing him within minutes.   But was the murder committed as an act of rage?   No, it was done as an act of kindness.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For the past ten years, Dr. Kevorkian has been performing assisted suicides.   In that time, Kevorkian claims to have eased the suffering of 130 patients.   He has also been fighting to legalize euthanasia.   There are some people that support Kevorkian’s views of euthanasia, yet there are still many people that think that what Kevorkian is doing is wrong.   Until the later part of April, when he was convicted of second degree murder, Kevorkian had been found not guilty of assisted suicide charges on four separate accounts.   Is Jack Kevorkian’s actions one of a hero or of a madman?      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Currently, the only state that assisted suicide is legal is Oregon.   Euthanasia is illegal everywhere in the United States.   Euthanasia is a better option than assisted suicide.   Euthanasia differs from assisted suicide in that the physician actually injects the lethal drug instead of prescribing it.   Because patients are required to take the lethal drug themselves, there is the chance that they may take the drug the wrong way.   This could cause the patient to survive the lethal dose and do more harm.   There is a twenty-five percent chance that a patient will fail to kill themselves by assisted suicide (Smith 37).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dr. Kevorkian, the most outspoken euthanasia activist in the United States... argument is wrong.    Works Cited Corry, John.   "Who is Jack Kevorkian, Really?"   Reader’s Digest.   April 1999:   87-92. Goldstein, Frederick J.   "Dr. Jack Kevorkian:   Friend or Foe?"   The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.   January 1997:   1-3. Grace, Julie.   "Curtains for Dr. Death."   Time 5 Apr. 1999:   48. Lessenberry, Jack.   "Death Becomes Him."   Vanity Fair July 1994:   102-113. McHugh, Paul R.   "The Kevorkian Epidemic."   The American Scholar.   Vol. 66.   1997:   15-27. Nelan, Bruce W.   "Fasting for the Right to Die."   Time 15 Nov. 1993:   89. Shapiro, Joseph P.   "Dr. Death Has Yet Another Day in Court."   U.S. News and World Report 29 Mar. 1999:   37. Shapiro, Joseph P.   "Dr. Death’s Last Dance."   U.S. News and World Report.   26 Apr. 1999:   44. Smith, Wesley J.   "Death Wars."   National Review 14 Jul. 1997:   36-37.   

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay

I have been fortunate to get the love and care of my parents as well as siblings. During my childhood, my parents taught me the morals based on the holy teachings of scriptures. Among the many good sayings, I remember a proverb, â€Å"Cleanliness is next to Godliness,† which was reminded to me, time and again, by my mother. When I was about seven years old, I avoided taking bath on a daily basis. It was at that time when my mother first narrated this proverb to me, which continues to guide me everyday. Although many of us may be religious and Godly, we may be defying, either intentionally or unintentionally, the basic principle of cleanliness in our practical lives. For instance, it can be seen that some people throw their household garbage on the streets, and as a result, mosquitoes and flies spread harmful diseases in the community. Similarly, some people spit on roads due to which their infected saliva often becomes a source to several contagious diseases. It must be recalled that our scriptures teach us to keep ourselves as well as our places of dwelling clean. Since God is ultimate in purity, the only way to reach God is to remain pure, and purity is attained by keeping our mind as well as body clean. However, the fellow humans are polluting the purity of the environment through their deleterious activities. Burning of fire crackers leads to air-pollution, which in return, causes respiratory problems like asthma. Also, when somebody smokes a cigarette in a public place, then the surrounding environment is polluted, and people become vulnerable to cancer due to passive smoking. I have strictly practiced the meaning of the proverb to keep my mind as well as body clean. I do not smoke, do not spit in a public place, and do not burn fire crackers. My body is a holy temple, which houses the spirit. I make every endeavor to retain the purity of my spirit because only then I can attain salvation.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Harlem Renaissance Music Essay

Harlem Renaissance refers to the development of African-American arts and culture in the United States, immediately after the World War I. According to reports, the revolutionary development in the arts and culture started in Harlem, New York, thus the name â€Å"Harlem Renaissance. † Harlem Renaissance is believed to have happened between years 1919 and 1930, with 1924 to 1929 as the years when it reached its peak (Charters S. and Kundstadt L. ; â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). The initiators and participants of the Harlem Renaissance movement include the descendants of different societies who had witnessed and first-handedly experienced slavery. Most of which were Africans or people of African descent. Others were migrants from certain racial communities and were seeking for their place in a relatively â€Å"unprejudiced† society in the United States. What was common among the participants of Harlem Renaissance was their desire for the change especially in terms of racism and African stereotyping. The union of these people based on this one value had been the seed of Harlem Renaissance which then became a major influence on not only on people with African roots across the world but also on the culture of America (Hutchinson,G. ; â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). In challenging the specter of racism, prejudice and African stereotyping, the participants of Harlem Renaissance invoked the power of cultural tools such as literature, art and music to represent a â€Å"different† African-American who is both intellectual and productive, and in effect initiate their integration in society without any racial barrier. Part of this revolution was to uplift the spirit of the race by unifying their culture. The media of Harlem Renaissance would hold no definition for â€Å"high-African culture† or â€Å"low-African† bringing forth a new wave of artistic forms of arts and literature, thus the rise of modernism; and in particular, music, which gave birth to blues and jazz (â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). Harlem Music Blues Blues and Jazz are two types of music that have developed in the Harlem Renaissance period. Blues, as its name implies represents music that evokes sadness, especially that inflicted by difficulties in life and love. Blues is said to have evolved from the usual African hollers and by itself, could provide the listener with an insight of the history of African Americans from being communized to the emergence of individuation. Individualized or solo songs had never been usual in the African culture and the uniqueness of the characteristics of blues represents the then changing status of African-Americans: their freedom (McElrath, J. ). In blues, the individual is emphasized making this type of music a form that can be called â€Å"personalized. † Still, even though blues can be said to be far from the typical African music, some elements of the cultural type are still present in this new form. This is what characterizes blues as African and what gives this musical form a sort of â€Å"nationality†. The â€Å"call-and-response† characteristic of the African hollers for example are still present in blues, although has been somehow reinvented to fit in the characteristics of blues. In blues, responses are made not by another participant or some other external force but by the performer herself (McElrath, J. ). To reinstate, the characteristics of blues are a representation of the new African who is more self-assured and individualized. Blues singers are usually accompanied by guitars or harmonicas (â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). Blues started as â€Å"folk blues† sung at leisure, medicine shows and touring carnivals. It became â€Å"classic blues† as it was given professional quality by African vaudeville singers who corresponded with the folk singers. With the African-American migration to the North in early 20th century, is the blues music (Hutchinson,G. ). Blues music first came to New Orleans. With the inter-state migration of different musicians, the Blues music was scattered and was able to come to Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Chicago, Detroit and then New York where different Blues musicians started to unite and popularize the style as they perform in different clubs, theaters and dance halls (McElrath, J. ). Again, as blues became a representation of the African’s new-found freedom not only from slavery and prejudices but also from the dogmatic imposition by institutions such as churches, the popularization of the music did not become difficult. It was easily appreciated especially by those with African descent who were craving for entertainment, thus, the start of theaters and other entertainment halls (McElrath, J. ). It was in 1920 when the music became popular with Mamie Smith’s â€Å"Crazy Blues† and â€Å"It’s Right Here For You. † Blues music was at first marketed only to the African community but as music companies decided to exploit the opportunity to enter the new market, other artists like Bessie Smite, Ma Rainie, Alberta Hunter and Ethel Waters sprang up and became popular blues performers (McElrath, J. ). As blues music continued to evolve, it gave rise to a new type of music which is now popularly known as jazz music. Jazz Jazz is considered as the characterizing music of the Harlem Renaissance. This type of music may appear to be simple for untrained ears but actually involves unknown technicalities that continue to become part of the present American culture (Schuller, S. ). Jazz works based on the theory that any chord progression could be played using infinite amount of melodies. It involves talent and improvisation by both the singer and the instrumentalist, with the singer doing repeated chord progressions and the instrumentalist doing variations of vocal styles and tonal effects. The result is the collaboration of two improvisations in a single music (Schuller, S. ). As said earlier, blues contributed to the development of jazz. It can be noticed that blues themes and forms are incorporated into jazz music. This gives jazz music an African character. What characterizes jazz as a truly unique type of music, even from blues, is the flexibility in which it can be played. There are no rules in rhythm that must be followed allowing the each individual performer to become flexible and free in creating his or her own rhythm. The most common instruments used by jazz performers are piano, drums, strings and bass. The use of saxophones in jazz is usually connected to an evolutionary product of jazz called the Chicago style (Schuller, S. ). The Chicago style of jazz came about as a result of the migration of jazz artists to Chicago. This type of jazz is known for its soloist performances, relatively more complex and more difficult rhythms. Like the Blues music, the inter-state migration of artists contributed to the spreading of jazz music and its coming to New York made it a huge part of Harlem Renaissance (Morgan, T. and Barlow, W. ). A lot of jazz experimentation happened in New York. These experimentations contributed significantly to the current richness of jazz. The famous piano style, â€Å"jazz stride† was the first piano style to be incorporated into jazz and was very popular in New York. The jazz artist, Fatts Waller is famous for this style. He was also the artist who started the jazz technique, Boogie-Woogie which can be characterized as a combination of different rythms and techniques with a peculiar and repeating bass pattern. Boogie-Woogie later became what is now called Rhythm and Blues (Morgan, T. and Barlow, W. ). James Reese Europe initiated another style of jazz during the era which involved huge orchestras while jazz bands were first put together by Fletcher Henderson. Included in Henderson’s jazz band were Coleman Hawkins, Don Redman and Louis Armstrong. Blues artists often work with jazz bands and individual jazz artists (Morgan, T. and Barlow, W. ; Schuller, S. ). Harlem Renaissance Musicians Louis Armstrong was famous for his technical and yet spontaneous abilities to play jazz. He is considered as among the greatest and influential of all Harlem Renaissance musicians. Unsurprisingly, Armstrong came from New Orleans which is one of the major places that contributed to the development of Harlem Renaissance music. He learned to play cornet while at a reform school when he was twelve and showed his interest in music by staying in blues and jazz clubs. His major influence was Joe â€Å"King† Oliver who became his father figure and mentor. Armstrong soon played for Oliver’s band in Chicago then left for New York to play for Fletcher Henderson’s Orchestra. He also did lots of recordings with other Jazz and Blues artists like Clarence Williams, Red Onion Jazz, Carrol Dickenson and his wife, Lilian (â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). Duke Ellington is another musical figure in the Harlem Renaissance. He was a composer and pianist and is considered to have brought jazz into concert halls as well as in churches. His style of music can be described as a combination of blues, jazz and swing constructed in solo instrumental performances. He was in New York City during the presented Harlem Renaissance period in 1923. At this time he was able to organize a 10-piece band (â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). Dizzy Gillespie, was a trumpeter who was able to develop â€Å"Be-bop,† with other famous artists like Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk and Kenny Clarke. â€Å"Be-bop† was considered as the rebellious and eccentric style of jazz. Gillespie also incorporated Latin and Cuban elements such as calypso, rhumba and tango with jazz. In addition to his contributions to music, Gillespie was also a supporter of equal rights movement (â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). Other artists during the Harlem Renaissance include Josephine Baker; Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, and Charlie Parker, among others. Harlem Renaissance was a point in history when African-Americans united to prove the error in stereotyping in terms of intellect and productivity. The developments in music, particularly in Blues and Jazz are certain products of this movement and have given justice to the movement’s objective proving that African-Americans can not only be superior but also developers and re-inventors of what was then just cultural and now all cultural, sensational and global. Works Cited Charters S. and Kundstadt L. , â€Å"Jazz: A History of the New York Scene†, New York: Da Capo, 1981. â€Å"Harlem Renaissance,† University of Texas. 2006. 09 Dec 2006 â€Å"Harlem Renaissance. † Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 2006. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 9 Dec 2006 . Hutchinson,G. , â€Å"The Harlem Renaisance in Black and White,† New York: Belknap Press, 1997 McElrath, J. , â€Å"The History of Blues Music. † About: African-American History. 2006. About, Inc. 9 Dec. 2006 < http://afroamhistory. about. com/od/bluesmusic/a/bluesmusic. htm>. Morgan, T. and Barlow, W. , â€Å"From Cakewalks to Concert Halls: An Illustrated History of African American Popular Music, From 1895-1930. Washington DC: Elliot and Clark, 1992. Schuller, S. â€Å"Early Jazz : Its Roots and Musical Development,† New York: Oxford, 1986.